We Are Live On Ethereum

A guide to mint your vote directly on EtherScan

Contract Address: 0x56a51F5Cb707f1845B3D9a2D996663992fAdC8cb

"Price Inflation" Strategy

The Mint Price would be increased 0.001 $ETH per mint.
The Total Sales Revenue = 0.001 + 0.002 + 0.003 + ... + 3.844 $ETH (Last NFT) = 7,390 $ETH.

And you get 25% cash from the next sales.

1. Go to OurGalaxy Pioneer Contract Address and Connect to your Web3 wallet e.g. Metamask in Contract -> Write Contract tab

2. Go to Read Contract Tab to read the Current Cost with WEI as unit. You may press on the Unit Converter

3. No Panic. 4000000000000000 WEI = 0.004 ETH

4. Back to Write Contract Tab. Press mint. Input the "Cost in Ether" and Put 1 for MintAmount and press Write. We set Max per mint as 1 to makes sure Minter receives his/her own 25% instant cash from his/her multiple mints

5. Welcome to the OurGalaxy and become a Pioneer! You may now go to Opensea to check your Pioneer's Smile :)